Brilliant strategies: LTO of KCD-4 and CNT-3 as a bargain to cap the future cost of waste disposal

In 2003, the government decided to close down all nuclear power plants by 2023. That’s about just now. From 2003 till 2018, we were all fast asleep. Me too. Sorry for that, by the way. In a KULeuven University Seminar in November 2018 (*), ‘expert’ Prof. R. Belmans, electrical engineer, not nuclear engineer by the… Continue reading Brilliant strategies: LTO of KCD-4 and CNT-3 as a bargain to cap the future cost of waste disposal

Why Brigid selects thorium

Thorium: the magical solution? Hell, no! Be careful what you wish for. The only thing that really matters, is HOW we use nuclear fuel.This is what we call the “fuel cycle”. The details of the fuel cycle determine: the efficiency of the conversion of the nuclear fuel into heat. This is really important considering nuclear… Continue reading Why Brigid selects thorium