BRIGID project: calendar

BRIGID public calendar

public events

2018-10-01Project BRIGID kick off
2019-01-24We launched Project BRIGID Wiki
2019-05-05We released Project BRIGID public website revealing the concepts for a global energy solution
2021-07-08First BRIGID engineer finished the course program of BNEN (Belgian Nuclear higher Education Network)
2021-08-28Approval the of first BRIGID thesis project proposal at SCK CEN
2021-09-17Kick off of the of first BRIGID thesis project
2021-10-04BRIGID attended the SCK CEN Patricia Summer School on lead cooled reactors
2021-10-14We released a major update of Project BRIGID public website
2021-11-04We started the BRIGID BLOG
2022-02-24This is the day the energy panic starts - though for the wrong reasons.
2022-05-24The Belgian government trades the closure of all Belgian NPPs for a 100 Million Euro research grant for SCK to investigate SMR technoplogies. It is clear that BRIGID's MSR concept is incompatible with the SMR concept. Although the Belgian government states that SCK receives this grant because of its unique expertise, it could be observed that SCK is expert in finding creative solutions for problems they have created, but not for the real problems society is facing.
2022-06-08The BRIGID thesis was presented and ... rejected for unclear reasons. This simply adds to our motivation to continue the BRIGID work.
2022-09-22KULeuven confirms to BRIGID that all intellectual rights on the BRIGID technology belongs to Ian's Corner bv. It indicates that KULeuven and SCK are not interested in the BRIGID concept, which is duely noted, as this makes patenting work a lot easier.
2022-10-27BRIGID followed a Monte-Carlo Simulator course of MIT.
2023-04-01In follow up of the negociations between Engie and the Belgian government, it should be clear by now for anyone that Engie is not willing to invest in NPP's in Belgium, or anywhere else for that matter.
2023-05-22BRIGID visited the Gelina and MONNET accelerators of JRC-Geel.
2023-06-29BRIGID visited Copenhagen Atomics in Danmark.
2023-07-17A BRIGID delegation visited a Canadian supplier specialised in NPP equipment.
2023-10-17A BRIGID delegation followed reactor training on the VR-1 reactor of CTU.
2023-12-22A BRIGID delegation visited rad-hard IC design house Magics.
2024-04-26Brigid has acquired a location adjacent to a nuclear test site.
2024-06-09Election day in Belgium. Nuclear energy is back on the agenda.
... stay tuned!
2030-01-01Project BRIGID prototype target date
2050-01-01Project BRIGID deployment target date
Project BRIGID public website/ © Ian's Corner BV, Dept DoNE 2018-2050 All rights reserved Last update: 2024-07-19 Stay tuned!