BRIGID project: contact

contacting BRIGID

where to find us?

BRIGID only communicates through email. All mails to be addressed to this email address:

All mails will be thoroughly filtered. We reserve the right not to answer your mail.

You may request a meeting on appointment only. If an appointment is granted, we need you to sign our Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Press need not apply. Instead, we will contact the press in due time.

how to follow us?

BRIGID is not on social media. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, no WhatsApp, no What-You-Have.

BRIGID will report progress and results in due time to the general public. This will be done via this very own public BRIGID website:

You can also read our BRIGID BLOG

All BRIGID information is propriatary and resides under NDA.

why is this site in English?

Because this is neutral ground in Belgium.

Because relevant technical publications and terminology are in English.

Project BRIGID public website/ © Ian's Corner BV, Dept DoNE 2018-2050 All rights reserved Last update: 2024-07-19 Stay tuned!