Geothermal heat, or the VITO story

We sometimes pitch Brigid as an “artificial geothermal facility”, because is under the ground, and spits out a continuous stream of hot steam. Remind me to write a post on why this is a better idea than using a natural geothermal source, like Iceland is successfully doing. But here’s another link on geothermal heat. Brigid… Continue reading Geothermal heat, or the VITO story

Categorized as Strategic

Following government advice

Reducing the temperature of our well-isolated home to an advised 18-19 C, this is what you get after a few weeks. This is the same government that tries us to go electric, but absolutely not nuclear.


From an energy point-of-view, December 2024 generally looks like this. Let the numbers speak for themselves. All plots are 24-7-365 publicly available for free. One just needs to look… We highlighted a few notable data. Happy new year from the Brigid team (working through the holidays).

Categorized as Educational

Blame shame

We’ve seen new governments that claim that a shitty energy situation is due to the previous government, who did a bad job in the past. OK, we get it. We’ve seen old governments that claim that the new government will surely create a shitty situation. OK, may be. Now we see and old government that… Continue reading Blame shame

Categorized as Strategic