The fundamental mistakes in decarbonisation

Not a lot is basically wrong with our current energy system.Internal combustion engines are pretty much optimised. Heating israther efficient and practical. The distribution systems of fuel andmethane are well established. Pretty much all appliances that can be meaningfully electrified are indeed already electrified. There’s only one problem: the entire system runs on fossil fuels.And… Continue reading The fundamental mistakes in decarbonisation

The role of BRIGID MSRs in the future of humanity.

The world is a mess, and politics are messing it up: wars, globalism, ecology. Instead of solving the world’s problems, preferably in a piecefull and democratic way, one could emigrate somewhere else and start from scratch. But where would you go? To the Moon? Gravity is really low. There is no water. There is no… Continue reading The role of BRIGID MSRs in the future of humanity.